Help pick a book cover

cover-poll-rI have three very good cover concepts. I am asking for your opinion on which concept you think is best. Feel free to add your comments as well. Once I pick a concept, the designer will then fine tune font and color selections. You will also notice that I have changed the subtitle once again. I decided to take the advice of the book design firm and choose a subtitle with a more emotional connection. Need more info about what the book is about? Visit the Scapegoat book page for the back cover text. And feel free to use the sharing buttons at the bottom of this post. The more input I get the better.


This poll is officially closed. Thanks to all who voted.

Choose your cover

  • Silhouettes (52%, 25 Votes)
  • Clouds (40%, 19 Votes)
  • Blue (8%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 48

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5 Responses

  1. I would have chosen “Blue” if it had depicted the aircraft in the more severe attitude it eventually took – much lower pitch and steeper bank angle. But I went with “Silhouettes” because I felt it symbolized the fog and haze they were forced to spend the remainder of their lives in.

  2. I think the silhouettes with the yellow background for the title make the book stand out more so it will get more attention.

  3. I like the silhouettes also because it is about the pilots, and it get your attention that it is a story about pilots.

  4. Emilio…I really liked the choice for the cover. As a flight line mechanic for TWA, I knew the crew and the aircraft. I was out of touch and was unable to vote on the cover, but Silhouettes would have been my choice.