A little background on the CVR

One of the ucvrnsolved mysteries concerning TWA 841 involves the supposed erasure of the cockpit voice recorder (CVR). Early in the investigation it was discovered that all but the last nine minutes of the CVR was blank. The NTSB leaked that the CVR had been erased, and overnight the crew became the focus of the investigation.

Part of their belief that the crew, specifically Captain Gibson, had intentionally erased the CVR was because of Hoot’s testimony that it was his routine to erase the CVR after every flight. On this particular flight he testified that he didn’t remember erasing the CVR, and neither of the other two crew members remembered seeing him erase the CVR, nor had either of them erased it.

In the book I will lay out the facts supporting that not only was the CVR not erased but that it actually could not have been erased. In this clip, Jerry Lawler, a former TWA captain talks about the practice of erasing the CVR after every flight. (If the video player does not appear please refresh the screen)

2 Responses

  1. Hi Emilio,

    Really fascinating story, TWA 841 and everything surrounding it. Looking forward to reading your book on it.
    Do you have any idea of when it’ll be available for sale?

    Best regards,
    Edwin S.

  2. Writing a book like this takes time. My best estimate is that this particular project could easily take two years. So in the mean time, anyone can follow the progress by subscribing to the updates. That way everyone interested in this story can watch the story unfold as it is being created.