All about Hoot

Hoot-web-2This month marks the one year mark of this project. My best guess is that I’m looking at another twelve to eighteen months before I’ll have a marketable manuscript. Writing a book takes time. Writing a good books takes longer.

A year ago all I knew about Hoot Gibson was that he was the guy who erased the CVR to cover up fooling around in the cockpit. That was the story I heard and I had no reason to think otherwise. I’m starting to get a much better picture of Hoot and this story. I’m also learning a little bit about shooting and editing videos. So I thought it would be a good idea to put together a video of some of the best “who is Hoot Gibson” responses I have gotten over the past year.

5 Responses

  1. I can’t wait to read this book! My theory, after following this case for years, is that grounding this model plane to check it out would have caused great disturbance in the airline industry because it was such a popular model at the time. Because of this Mr. Gibson was made a scape goat when the decision was made behind closed doors to continue the flights.

  2. This looks like it will be a VERY interesting read. I’m so sorry to hear he has passed. I will keep checking this site to find the finished title of the book. This is a must buy for me.

  3. Can’t wait to read this book!! I remember when this was on the news . I knew then I was only hearing one side, and just like today’s news, you can detect the bias by what is NOT mentioned or even covered. It will be very interesting to actually hear both sides finally.