Allison Michelle Corsetti

This page is dedicated to our daughter Allison, whose life was cut short because of complications related to a condition known as a congenital diaphragmatic hernia.

What happened?

A Glimpse into Allison's Short Life

July 30, 1997 – My wife and I were both 40 years of age and well aware of the risks associated with having our first child at this late stage, so we were both a little anxious going in for the first ultrasound. Our anxiety was relieved somewhat when we saw for the first time our baby moving and kicking. The technician pointed out various organs and did her best to explain what we were seeing. At one point we got a very clear image of the baby with its thumb in the air, as if it was giving us a thumbs up signal. When the technician left the room, we were feeling pretty good, but we still hadn’t heard what we had come to hear—that everything looked fine. Then a doctor came in to do a final scan. We could both sense that something was different this time around.

Key Moments in Allison's Journey

The doctor told us that our fetus had a condition known as CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia). He explained how the stomach had pushed through the diaphragm on the left side and into the chest cavity, moving the heart from the left side to the right. He told us that it was a rare condition and that it was life threatening to the fetus. He also said that the condition had a twenty to thirty percent mortality rate. 

October 31, 1997

October 31, 1997 – Lynn had her fourth ultrasound. Her doctors wanted her to get an ultrasound every month to check the baby’s growth and to rule out hydropic changes. This particular ultrasound indicated that Lynn had some excess amniotic fluid. The excess fluid was a result of the hernia and the baby’s inability to regulate the fluid through her body. During this visit we toured the neo-natal unit at Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, MO. We decided on Allison Michelle for the baby’s name.

Jan 8, 1998

January 8, 1998 –Allison was born at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. This hospital was chosen because of its close proximity to Children’s Hospital where the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) is located and where Allison was to be taken immediately after birth. A team of doctors and nurses were on hand to assist with the delivery and transporting of Allison from Barnes to Children’s. Lynn delivered in an operating room instead of the normal birthing room in order to accommodate the extra people.

Feb 22, 1998

At seven in the morning my wife and I learned that Allison had had another episode of heart arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat. When we got to her bedside, we found that her heartbeat was about 130 and dropping slowly. We also learned that she hadn’t had any urine output since three in the morning. This was an indication of possible kidney damage. At 8:30 a.m. the resident asked to meet with my wife and I privately. We were both exhausted, stressed, and extremely worried about Allison’s condition. Our concerns were confirmed when we were told that Allison would not survive. Allison died in Lynn’s arms shortly after 9:00 a.m. It was the first time either one of us had held her.

A Eulogy for Allison

Although you were here but for a brief stay, you’ve touched our hearts in many ways. You’ve taught us about hope and faith and the power of love; and you’ve showed us how fragile life can be. You’ve brought smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes; and you’ve brought people together; first in celebration, then in prayer, and finally in sorrow. Most amazing of all, you’ve accomplished this and more without ever having uttered a single sound, without ever having seen a sunrise or a sunset, without ever having taken a breath on your own. From the doctors and nurses who took care of you, to those of us who got to know you, to those who knew you only in name, you’ve had an impact on us all. We miss you sweetheart. You will live on in our hearts and minds forever. We will be together again some day. If in the future we are asked if we have children, we will tell them yes—her name is Allison and she is an Angel.

Learn More About CDH

 If you are reading this because you have a child with CDH, please don’t give up. Technology is changing at a rapid pace. Be your child’s advocate. Learn as much as you can and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

A good source for information is the CDH International Web site.