My first book 35 Miles From Shore was published back in 2008. Thanks to Amazon’s excellent marketing and the advent of the e-book, the book continues to sell. I still hear from readers. I recently heard from a reader who took the picture shown in this post as he and his new wife passed by the site of the ditching while on a honeymoon cruise. Click on the image for a larger image. Below is the email he sent.
Mr. Corsetti,
I recently finished reading your book on the ALM 890 ditching. My new wife and I were on our honeymoon when I was reading it and were about to embark on a cruise that would pass near the site of the ditching. Given that I work in crash survivability research, it seemed only appropriate to try to honor those lost as we past in whatever way we could. The cruise ship staff wouldn’t let us toss flowers overboard so instead we placed them on our balcony as we passed by. I thought you (or any of the survivors you are in contact with) might be interested in seeing the attached picture. It’s not much but we wanted to let them know that even among two people who weren’t born for ten and fourteen years respectively after the crash, the events are not lost to history.Have a nice day.Sincerely,
Stephen (and Kat)
Mr. Corsetti,
I am glad that you liked the picture and appreciated what we tried to do. Paying tribute just seemed like the only decent option in that circumstance.
Steve and Kat Richey