The photo gallery below consists of images taken during the shooting of the documentary The Plane That Fell From The Sky. The images are courtesy of passenger Roger Peterson. These images were taken three years after the incident. They are the closest thing you can get to having had a photographer there the night of TWA Flight 841.
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35 Miles from Shore: The Ditching and Rescue of ALM Flight 980

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ratings: 101 (avg rating 3.80)
That is so neat! !! I would recognize Roger Peterson dead on!! Not a doubt! Amazing! Thanks Boss!
Hoot — you, Scott, and Gary somehow held it all together that night. You maintained your own professionalism and the rigor of your training in the face of your own impending death. You remained clear-headed, and against all odds you regained flight, and you set us down 20 minutes later, and we all walked away. Safe. And alive!! I still remember standing out on the Detroit runway with you, looking up at the ripped-out underside of the right wing around that gear. You and your flight crew remain my heroes. You saved the lives of more than 80 people that night, and I thank God for you, Hoot. I want to see the NTSB reverse its faulty conclusion and vindicate you completely. Hoot, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. You helped me that chilly night in April 1979. Now it’s my turn to help you if there is something I can do.
Roger Peterson
Seat #21A, TWA Flight 841, 1979 April 04
Emilio, you are a class act.
Hoot, never had a chance to say thanks. I was seated near the rear, and it was a helluva ride. Somewhere I probably have photos of the underside after de-planing on the tarmac, colder than penguin crap, -20, as I recall.
The airline and airport treated us like POWs, I know you were not treated any better. It took a few years to get over the whole experience. I continued on to MPLS that nite only to be denied my prepaid room. That didn’t set well with me and I made a scene. I guess this is part of life. The next time I flew a flight with the number 841 was from LA to Auckland NZ. I just had to go fly fishing. Thanks for saving our lives, you are a hero to me.
I was the AP reporter who got the first interview with Hoot. Thought of him often. Was saddened to see he had passed. It was a helluva story. Good for you for staying on top of the story.