Scapegoat is now in the hands of the editor. The target date for the book’s release is March 4, 2016. The book still has to be typeset, advanced copies need to be sent out to potential endorsers, and advanced review copies have to be sent out. Then there is the actual printing, eBook formatting, and getting the books to the distributor and into the bookstore databases. The goal is to release the book one month prior to the anniversary of TWA 841 in order to gain momentum.
While writing a book is a solitary endeavor, there is still a degree of collaboration involved. Which brings me to the next subject. Before this book, before 35 Miles From Shore, I was involved in an other creative project: the award winning interactive CD-ROM Apollo 13: A Week to Remember. We released the disc in conjunction with the movie in June of 1995. A few months after finishing the project, I held a party at my house to celebrate. The picture on the left was taken at that party twenty years ago. We are all wearing our Apollo 13 caps. The older gentleman in the middle was the narrator on the CD-ROM. The guy had a great voice that suited the subject matter.
That’s me in the black shirt on the far right. The guy standing next to me is Wayne Wright. His primary task was 3D animation and video, but like everyone he helped in all aspects of the CD. Michelle, in front, was in charge of graphics. She was aided by her sister standing in the back. The man on the far left worked on the narration. I was the writer, programmer, and project manager. I enjoyed every minute of this collaborative effort.
We dissolved the company a year or so after we released our first and only product. We won several awards and had great reviews, but we barely made back our original investment. In truth, we each lost a few thousand dollars. But we did gain some valuable experience and something to put on our resumes. I stayed in touch with Michelle for a few years but then we all drifted apart.
I hadn’t been thinking about Apollo 13 until a few days ago when I started getting emails about Wayne. I assumed that someone was asking for a recommendation, so I gave Wayne high praise, which he deserved. So I was puzzled when I got more than one request concerning Wayne’s involvement with the CD-ROM. The people asking about Wayne seemed to be looking for evidence that Wayne had lied about his involvement on the CD-ROM. I assured them that he was a vital part of the Apollo 13 team.
So I did some digging by following back the links to my site. I was more than a little surprised by what I discovered. The picture on the right is a recent picture of Wayne. It’s a mug shot. Wayne apparently has been arrested as a possible suspect in a murder case in Florida.
I don’t know the details of the case. What little I do know is only that Wayne was in Florida with the gentleman suspected of committing the murder. Whether or not Wayne is involved will be determined in the months ahead. I did learn that Wayne spent some time in prison for drug related offenses.
The Wayne I knew was a very creative, smart individual. I certainly hope he is cleared of all charges.
UPDATE (02/18/2017):
Well, I just watched the 48 Hours episode about the murder case where Wayne has been charged. Seeing how he admitted his involvement in front of a judge, and there appears to be sufficient evidence implicating him, I have to assume that he was involved either directly or indirectly. My sympathies go out to everyone involved.
Dear Emilio:
It is a pleasure for me to follow your posts. As a long time friend and business associate of Hoot Gibson, I find it very gratifying that the story of his life, adventures and heroism will finally come out in print. I would love to read it as soon as it becomes available. Please keep me on your lists.
Steven Wroe
I am so grateful about the book becoming a reality. I know the torment it caused Hoot, and how it affected his life. When you approached him about writing it back in 2012, it brought a renewed excitement into his life. All of us who loved him so much, wish he could have been here to see it happen. Thank you for your tireless and constant pursuit to bring this about.
Lois Tribett
Dear Sir,
You really should do a bit more reading about the murder of Teresa Sievers in Florida. It was no “gentleman” who bashed her head in 17 times with a hammer!
And yes, “Wayne” Wright was there, in Florida, caught on videotape at a Walmart near to the murdered woman’s house buying a hammer, plastic bags, latex gloves, and shoes, among other items. When questioned by police he denied ever having been in Florida. But “Wayne the genius” had a GPS device in a vehicle sitting in his driveway that had recorded the entire trip!
It has also been revealed that Wayne has been a person of interest for some 20 years now in the unsolved disappearance of a local man.