Today marks the one month countdown for the launch of Scapegoat. So why would I write a post encouraging you to not buy the book? Good question. Here are three very good answers:
Reason number one:
If I interviewed you for the book, and you haven’t already received an advanced review copy, you will receive the hard cover copy this month. But here’s the deal. It is very important that you contact me directly with your latest contact information. I experienced a hard drive crash early this year and lost most of the contact information I had. So please contact me by e-mail [email protected]. Do not reply to this post with your sensitive contact information.
Reason number two:
I encourage you to visit your local library and tell them that you are interested in this book. Most libraries will honor your request. Think of it this way. You want to read the book. By going to your local library this month, before the book is released, you’re likely to be first in line to get the book the day it comes out. No waiting. No money out of your pocket. When you’re done with the book, the book then becomes available for countless other patrons. One sale. Many readers. More interest. Also, librarians tend to talk to other librarians. That one sale could lead to many sales. One copy for each branch, for example.
But what if you really want a copy of the book to put on your bookshelf? Okay, in that case, I encourage you do go to your local bookstore and order the book from them. The book is going to do just fine on Amazon. But right now the bookstores are not going to order the book unless someone requests it. So how does that help me? Let’s say you go to Barnes & Noble this July 4th weekend and you ask them if they plan to get the book Scapegoat. The clerk is going to get on the computer and see that the book is scheduled for release on August 1. Next he or she is going to say that the store has no plans to order the book, but they can order it for you if you’d like. You will not be charged any shipping. If enough of you do this, some bean counter at Barnes & Nobles is going to see orders for a book called Scapegoat. He might even order more books for other stores.
It’s important that you provide the clerk (librarian) with the following information:
Title: Scapegoat: A Flight Crew’s Journey from Heroes to Villains to Redemption
ISBN: 978-0-9972421-0-2
Publisher: Odyssey Publishing, LLC
Author: Emilio Corsetti III
Distributor: IPG
Reason number three
This book challenges the work of a major corporation and a well-regarded government agency. There will be some people looking for evidence that I’m some conspiracy nut. So they are going to go to Google or Bing and type the following into the search box: Are the claims in the new book Scapegoat true? Is the book Scapegoat another government conspiracy book? Has anyone disputed the claims made in the book Scapegoat by author Emilio Corsetti III?
Now I’ll admit this is a trick I learned during my time on furlough when I started a digital marketing company. As soon as someone goes looking for something negative about the book this post is likely to appear high in the results.
“See, just as I thought. I knew this new book was a bunch of baloney. Here’s someone who is telling people to not buy the book. Wait, what?”
Looking forward to the truth to finally be revealed. Well done mate. Will be in touch. Peace
Hope you did it right ? Or my PAL HOOT Will be PISSED OFF . Will see how you did . Bob
Thanks for the great info dog I owe you bigiytg.
My only regret is I did not get interviewed as I now have to wait till August to read & finally have the World see how it really happened.
Also, the unfortunate part about this is I only knew “Hoot” a short time since 2011 & meeting him in 2012 with wonderful memories as we shared & developed a continuing strong bound.
I’m am very honored & proud to say what Hoot loved was aviation & that I share his love with his last airplane, a seaplane of his.his last airplane a seaplane.
Sorry I didn’t get interviewed for this book – had lots of fun stories about Hoot.
He was in my October 1967 wedding and we were friends for years. I never believed all this was said about him, but am interested to read the whole book for the “facts”. Thank you for you setting the record right. Altho, it must have a lot of aviation jargon, it will be good ready. I worked for Continental Airlines for 33 1/2 years and retired in 2001. Considered Hoot a great friend and with lots of integrity.