In this video clip Hoot Gibson retells a story he’s told a thousand times. It’s a story that has been unchanged from the first time he told it some 33 years ago. It’s the not the same story of how the NTSB explained the upset, not even close. As you listen, you might hear a clue that was overlooked by everyone who looked at this incident when it first happened. It deals with the rudder.
Emilio Corsetti III's books on Goodreads
35 Miles from Shore: The Ditching and Rescue of ALM Flight 980

reviews: 15
ratings: 101 (avg rating 3.80)
ratings: 101 (avg rating 3.80)
will follow this site till I can purchase this book. what a story this will be and one that need to be told. I followed this story in the news in the late seventies or early eighties and always believed the captain {Mr. Gibson} .