I thought I would share the cover art for the Advanced Review Copy (ARC) of the book. I've decided to release a hardcover version first. Soft cover will follow. The cover shown here is for the ARC copies that go out to reviewers and potential endorsers. The hardcover version will have a dust jacket. …
My official Facebook page
In the last post, I created a Facebook page for my upcoming book Scapegoat. The next step in separating my author activities from my personal posts to friends and family is to create a separate author Facebook page. This is the place where people can follow my writing and promotional activities. …
Scapegoat gets social
Between now and the rest of this year there will be a lot of activity related to my upcoming book Scapegoat. Since I don't want to pester my family and friends with constant updates about the book, I have created a dedicated Facebook page. This is where all posts related to the book will go. It's …
Scapegoat pre-release book trailer
I am a little less than six months away from the book launch of Scapegoat. There are a thousand steps along the way to publication. One important step in the process is to create a book trailer that summarizes the story in video format. The book trailer below can be shared on social media platforms. …
Help pick a book cover
I have three very good cover concepts. I am asking for your opinion on which concept you think is best. Feel free to add your comments as well. Once I pick a concept, the designer will then fine tune font and color selections. You will also notice that I have changed the subtitle once again. I …
Important update on Scapegoat
As you can tell from the title of this post, I have pretty much settled on Scapegoat as the title of my next book. It's not set in stone, but it is set in quick drying cement. As for the subtitle, that has also been somewhat finalized, but I have to admit that I have changed it a hundred times. The …