For the past few months, I’ve been working on my next book project. Up until now, I have kept the project under wraps. I didn’t want to get out ahead of things and find out halfway through that this story wasn’t what I thought it was. I’ve worked on this story long enough now to say with certainty that the state of Kentucky convicted the wrong individual for murder. The time has come now for me to start presenting the facts as I uncover them. A lot of people are interested in this story, and I want them to know that I am working hard to expose the truth. I will be posting semi-regular updates on my progress here on this site. I did this for my last book Scapegoat. All posts related to this project will be listed under the category “Kit Martin.” Just go to the site map page and do a category search for Kit Martin and every post related to that category will show up. You can try searching the Scapegoat category to see how it works.
If you have information about this story that you would like to share, please contact me.
To start things off, I want to acknowledge the three victims: Calvin Phillips, Pam Phillips, and Ed Dansereau.
In this post, I’d like to talk about Pam Phillips. Pam worked for a bank in Hopkinsville, Kentucky as a compliance officer. She was usually the first to arrive and the last one to leave. Most days Pam would arrive to work between 7:00 am and 7:30 am. She would leave work between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm. On Wednesday, November 18, 2015, Pam left work early. She had been expecting the delivery of a new washing machine that day. Sometime around 10:50 am she got a call from the delivery driver telling her that no one was answering the door. She would have to wait until next week before they could reschedule the delivery. Pam was ticked off. The washing machine was an anniversary present from their son Matt. She tried calling Calvin all day but he never responded. Pam told a co-worker that she was leaving work early. She said that there must be a problem with Calvin’s phone because he wasn’t answering.
As Pam got into her car to leave, she spotted a co-worker who was in the parking lot snapping pictures of a beautiful sunset. Pam rolled down her window and asked to have her picture taken. The picture below is the last picture ever taken of Pam Phillips. Her death less than an hour later and the deaths of her husband Calvin and neighbor Ed Dansereau would be the start of a years-long murder investigation.
Police suspected neighbor Kit Martin from the very start. Calvin was set to testify in a court-martial proceeding against Kit Martin scheduled for December 1, 2015. Police developed tunnel vision and focused all of their attention on trying to prove their theory of the crime. They discarded evidence that pointed away from Kit and manipulated evidence to support their theory. They used false testimony to get an indictment. They got favorable rulings from a Judge who put his thumbs on the scales of justice.
Family members and friends of Pam, Calvin, and Ed deserve to know the truth. Kit Martin did not commit this crime.