When I started this book project, I had lots of questions. Not just about the details of the murders and the evidence, but I also had questions about the court-martial and the numerous allegations made against Kit. I saw the interview with EJ after Kit’s arraignment, where he described Kit as a monster. I saw the alleged abuse images and the pictures of the laptop and disks with “secret” written on them. I wanted to know what was true and what was fiction.

I’m now nearly ten months into this story. My goal is to provide the facts and let the reader draw their own conclusions. Over these past few months, I have gained more insight into the many questions I and others have had. I’ve also come across many unfounded rumors. Take, for example, the alleged abuse photos. Some have suggested that the images were manipulated in a program like Photoshop. I can dispel that rumor. Any image that is digitally manipulated leaves a digital footprint of that manipulation. There was no manipulation of the abuse photos. What about the background story of how and when the images were taken? The evidence shows that Joan took the pictures on May 2, 2011. Kit denies any involvement in EJ’s injuries. I can say now that there is one piece of evidence connected to the photos that led to Kit’s conviction for the assault of a child.
What about the computer and disks? There were rumors that Joan and Calvin conspired to plant that evidence. Who labels a disc with a magic marker with the word “secret?” The facts are that the computer and disks did belong to Kit, and there was classified information on the disks. That’s also why there was a conviction for mishandling classified information. That doesn’t mean that Kit was involved in some nefarious activity or that he was careless in safeguarding that information. The truth is far more innocuous.
Have I seen anything that changes my mind about Kit’s guilt or innocence? I have not. You will learn that Kit was a victim of a series of almost unbelievable events, a revolving door of attorneys, and a woman who was a master at lying and manipulation. Stay tuned.