
3 responses

  1. John Seibold
    February 2, 2015

    I knew Hoot from before the incident, he flew our Ford Tri-Motor on numerous occasions. When AOPA had their annual convention in Las Vegas we had a request to fly the administrator in the Ford. Thinking it would be a great opportunity to have some fun, we asked Hoot to fly that day. We had some buttons made with an upside down 727 which said
    “I FLEW WITH HOOT”. As Langhorn and the others stepped out of the Ford we presented them with the buttons. That was a real hoot!

  2. Dianna L Bennett
    April 20, 2018

    I flew with Hoot as an F/A for TWA. I recall that after the “incident” the pilots changed the comment “pull up glide slope” to “pull up Hoot” as a way of joking about this. He was a very, colorful amen with lots of dicey stories to tell. I enjoyed flying with him and always felt safe when he was in the cockpit.

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