We are two and a half weeks away from the release of I Will Ruin You. Pre-orders for the Kindle version have been going well. The publisher has informed me that they plan to have the print version available on the release date of March 26, 2024. The audiobook version should hit the market sometime in May.

I plan to send a signed copy of the book to those whom I interviewed as a way of thanking you for your participation. For those who purchase the book, I encourage you to write an online review, even if it’s just one or two paragraphs. Readers rely heavily on what other people think.
As part of the book’s promotion, I have sent out a number of digital ARCs (advanced reader copies) far enough in advance to hopefully get some reviews and coverage around the time the book is released. I have also been contacted by several documentary filmmakers interested in the story.
Today, I was interviewed for one such documentary that will air in the U.S. and Canada this fall. This is for a one-hour crime show that will likely air on the CW network. I can’t control how other people will decide to tell this story. What I can control is how I tell it when given the opportunity. That’s what I intend to do.