Thanks to everyone who participated in the last poll. I’ve decided to do a second round of polls to zero in on an effective title/subtitle combination. I am doing this because I think Roger’s suggestion for the title Scapegoat is a good one. In fact, Scapegoat was my first choice when I started this project. My wife, though, whose opinion I hold in high regard, didn’t like it. Also, if you do a search on Amazon on the title Scapegoat you will see a dozen or more books that use that word in the title.
Despite those reservations, I do feel that Scapegoat has at least one advantage over Spiral. The title Scapegoat gives a hint as to what the story is about. Here is the definition of Scapegoat: Someone who is punished for the errors of others.
Changing the title also affects the subtitle. So I am including another poll for the subtitle.
Here is the first poll.
Which title is best?
- Scapegoat (61%, 11 Votes)
- Spiral (39%, 7 Votes)
Total Voters: 18

Here is the subtitle poll. (If you didn’t participate in the first poll, you can read about subtitles in my post, help pick a subtitle.)
Which subtitle works best with your title choice?
- The Hoot GIbson Story and The Mystery of TWA 841 (64%, 14 Votes)
- Boeing, The NTSB, And One Pilot's Decades Long Battle To Clear His Name (36%, 8 Votes)
- Inside a Flawed NTSB Investigation (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 22

I promise I won’t be doing any more polls on the title and subtitle, but I would ask that you share these polls on social media (use the share buttons below). I really would like to hear from people who don’t know anything about the story. And like before, if you have a better idea, use the comments section. And please only cast one vote for each poll.
It seems to me that “Scapegoat” sounds a bit too confining although it certainly is an appropriate term for what was happening to Hoot. I can’t bring to mind a better term, however. “Spiral” sounds rather neutral to me; it may characterize what was happening to the plane during the descent, but it doesn’t even suggest what the story is really about.
I’m very pleased to know that the story is finally going to be told.
Steven Wroe
Scapegoat from 39,000.
I think the term scapegoat is much more relevant and descriptive than spiral. My only objection to the word ‘flawed’ in describing the NTSB investigation is that it implies incompetence or honest mistakes, whereas this was a frameup, and absolutely deliberate every step of the way.
Love the name . But ? Should be in some tex . ” HERO ” The Scapegoat ” Big letters then the rest . Love it and he was both . call me sometime will fill u in . Love that Guy BIG time . looking forward to the book . clue ? do it right . you have my total support .Bob
This book becoming a reality would be all I could ever hope for Hoot. Having him in my life for the past 22 years, knowing how the 841 incident created such havoc on his life, and such a large toll on his health! I know whenever the incident was discussed in his presence, his whole personality changed. As far as the title, I like “Spiral,” because it describes the planes descent, and the way his life spiraled out of control. But, whatever title you decide on, just getting the book published and out, would be something I know Hoot would have loved to see happen!
Thank you,
Lois Tribett
I agree with Lois Tribett about the title “Spiral” describing the plane’s descent and the effect it had on Hoot’s life. Hoot was a beloved friend and father-figure to my family, and without the love and care he received from Lois, he would not have survived the many health problems for as long as he did. His wish was to have his story told, and for this we are gratefully looking forward to reading the book. His name should definitely be honored by including it in the subtitle.
I look forward to reading this book although I do think the first subtitle choice seems to lower the credibility of book somewhat. I’m sure he would have really enjoyed having a book with “The Hoot Gibson Story” on the front and “mystery” involved, though. lol It will definitely sell more copies than my choice, the second one, that is more truthful to the actual story.